solar-installation-1000×1000If you commit these solar design mistakes, you won’t enjoy all the benefits of the solar system:

  1. Leasing to a third party – The lender enjoys all the incentives related to local rebates or federal tax credit.
  2. Buying most of the parts on your own from different sources – In such cases, a lot of components aren’t compatible with each other.
  3. Paying too much for installation – The huge corporations charge you a fortune when it comes to installation.
  4. Not thinking about the future – Your needs related to the solar system might increase. Mae sure expansion is not difficult.
  5. Sizing system improperly – It doesn’t just involve analyzing last few energy bills. You need to consider factors like battery bank sizing, voltage, climate, and efficiency.
  6. Not checking your roof– Ensure that the roof is strong enough to withstand the weight of solar panels.
  7. Confusing grid-tie and off-grid solar – Grid-tie solar system enable you to store the energy in the utility grid. In an off-grid system, battery banks are needed.
  8. Not having a battery backup – Battery backup ensures uninterrupted supply during outages.


For solar services in New York, connect with us.