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Category Archives: New York Solar

What Happens to Your Solar Panels in a Power Outage?


When we get projects for solar installations in New York, we receive such questions from the clients. It is a common myth that the solar system will continue to generate electricity even if there is a power outage.

Let’s discuss why. The electricity produced by the solar panels on a daily basis depends on the intensity of sunlight and the location of the sun. Also, the consumption of electricity by a household also varies on a daily basis. When a grid goes down, a solar system might produce electricity less than your needs, due to which lights and appliances might not work efficiently. You can get rid of such situations by installing a battery backup system.

The solar system also shuts down during a blackout is because it is unsafe for the professionals fixing the power lines during such situations. Keep checking this space for more information on solar panels and batteries. For solar installation in New York, connect with us today.


Portable Solar Generators & Hybrid Emergency Backup Systems


With the onset of upgrades in technology from using traditional generator system to solar generators system, people have found an off-grid approach to save themselves from the blackouts. US households and businesses are shifting to a personalized or portable solar generator. These portable solar generators are in great demand because it emits no noise and fumes, or doesn’t need constant refilling of fuel.

The hybrid emergency backup system is also one the aspect of upgraded technology which is profitable these days. The hybrid suggests an amalgamation of the solar backup system and gas/diesel generator. It isn’t possible that solar energy is always available or batteries are charged up. In order to look for a solution, we have a hybrid which uses solar energy and charges the batteries too. When the solar energy isn’t available, one can switch to battery backup.

As per a journal, if we start using solar power for most of our critical needs we can have free energy for 2/3 or 3/4 of the year.


Learn More About Off-grid Power Systems

Are you moving to a place where the grid is not available for your house? Or, you simply don’t want to depend on utility for your power needs? In both cases, you can off-grid power system. Let’s learn more about this power system.

It’s essential to understand the term ‘photovoltaic’ first. Photovoltaic means a cell or system that turns light energy into electrical energy. This is an integral part of an off-grid system. Talking about the major components of an off-grid solar power system, it consists of a solar panel, batteries, power inverter, and charge controller.

One of the major components is the battery that stores electrical energy to be used when solar energy isn’t available, such as on cloudy days or night. The DC power produced by the solar panel is converted into AC power by the inverter. Other requirements include safety equipment, power conditioning equipment, and meters.

Various individuals also rely on wind power systems when looking for off-grid hybrid systems. 


Will solar panels work during a power outage?

solar-work-during-power-outage-626x417A lot of individuals interested in solar installation ask us this question. Well, there are two reasons why solar panels will not work in such situations.

The first reason is the way the solar electric system operates. A system connected to a grid sends excess power back to the grid, which is used by the others. The company pays credits to the user for the excess power generation. In an event of a blackout, solar will not work, as there is no energy stored in a battery.

The second reason is that the solar arrays are automatically shut down during power outages. This is done to ensure repair crews don’t get electrocuted while fixing the issues.

If you want that your home receives power even during a blackout, install batteries with your solar energy system to create what is known as a hybrid system. If you are seeking solar providers in New York for the superior quality solar panels, connect with us today.


How Much Does a Rooftop Solar System With Batteries Cost?


Whether an individual needs to install batteries with a rooftop solar system depends on several factors, among which pricing is the prominent one. As per a study by the Rocky Mountain Institute, it would be economically feasible for the customers to install grid-connected solar-plus-battery systems, by 2030.

Let’s focus on the average prices of the batteries in the present scenario. The solar batteries are available in the range of 5000-7000 dollars or more. Talking in the terms of per kilowatt hour, it is in the range of 400-750 dollars.

To calculate the overall cost of the solar energy system, you need to consider factors like electricity rates of your states, along with rebates received on the system. It is also wise to calculate the return on investment (ROI) to examine the long-term savings.


For this purpose, you can use average monthly electric usage as provided by the US Energy Information Administration, which is 900 kWh of energy for every month. For the exact pricing of the rooftop solar installation in New York, connect with us. 


Are Hybrid Systems the Next Big Trend in Power Generation?

eco-energy-solar-panels_1284-3472Just check any forum or article discussing the trends that are going to shape renewable energy, and there are high chances that hybrid systems will be one of the options. So, what makes it one of the most reliable sources of power? In such systems, solar power is often connected to a generator that is fueled using economical natural gas. In some cases of hybrid power generation, diesel generator sets are integrated with solar PV technology.

The best part about such systems is that the power is generated in a consistent and clean manner. The hybrid systems aren’t limited to the US. The African and Asian countries have also witnessed the proliferation of this technology. This approach of producing energy is expected to meet fill the gaps related to energy in these areas.

For more information on reliable sources of power, keep checking this blog space. Connect with us for all your solar power needs.


Whole House Generator vs. Hybrid System

Whole house generators are the ones that have a range in capacity anywhere from 22 to 48kiloWatt. These generators are assembled with larger and more power efficient engines which run for longer periods. They are designed to run for longer duration without maintenance as they liquid cooled. Load management and AC shedding options are a few of the key characteristics kept in mind while programming. Overall, it provides better fuel options like natural gas, liquid propane and diesel.

On the other hand, hybrid systems work as a common grid tie solar system. The difference is that it uses batteries. For example, a UPS acting as a power supply for the computer during power failure same role is carried by the hybrid system through stored solar energy. It enables advanced energy management and energy independence. Also, it reduces power consumption from the grid.

There are various types of hybrid system available, one can select on the basis of their requirements.


Wind vs. Solar – Green Future

sun-power-supply-book-cityscape-focused_1134-1042When one thinks of renewable energy, wind and solar are the first two words that strike the mind. So, which of these green energy resources should you choose? Let’s get an answer by going through the advantages of both.

Solar Energy

Energy output is more predictable than what wind turbines offer. The panels require less maintenance and acquire less space when compared with wind turbines. These panels can be installed in residential areas easily and are free of noise.

Wind Energy

Cost-effectiveness is one of the major advantages of wind energy. It costs around two to six cents for every kilowatt-hour for utilizing land-based utility-scale wind. This form of energy can be harnessed irrespective of day or night time. One can build wind turbines offshore. When compared to solar panels, they can produce more energy. But, they aren’t suitable for densely populated regions and can be quite noisy.


Choose solar energy for residential structures and wind energy if you are considering large-scale applications. Simply put, a combination of both will result in a green future. If you are seeking solar providers in New York, you can trust us with all your needs.


Does solar work in a blackout?

sunpower-solar-panels-1000x651During the installation of solar energy systems, our esteemed clients ask us this question. If you are using the solar system without a battery, then you will not get immunity during blackouts.

The system you have installed regularly adjusts current and voltage to ensure that the panels operate optimally. It is not necessary that the system produces the energy precisely as per your home’s requirements. The power produced in excess reaches the grid, which is distributed to the other users of the utility, and you will receive credits for the same.

Conversely, when the energy produced by your system is not optimum, you will receive the additional energy from the grid. But, if there’s an outage, you will not receive the energy from your solar system efficiently. The light would blink and the appliances might get damaged. You can save your appliances and continue to live life without any hurdles with a battery backup system. Learn more about solar energy and battery backup by connecting with our experts.


Hybrid Solar Systems: Is Grid + Storage worth It in 2018

solar-works-promsun-931×856Each year, we witness new advancements in the solar energy, such as the introduction of more efficient solar energy panels and storage systems. So, is grid-tied solar energy system better or should you go for off-grid?

Well, it somewhat depends on where you are residing. Going off grid is feasible in remote locations where batteries can be used to supply power to the home during the night or cloudy days. The structures like fewer electricity needs are also suitable candidates for this type of system, such as RVs, tiny houses, container homes, etc.

In general, it is more feasible to choose a grid-tied system and install a battery backup to create a hybrid solar system. The use of batteries becomes more prominent if your area doesn’t compensate you for generating excessive solar energy.

If you want to know whether a hybrid system is feasible in your area, connect with one of our representatives.

