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Category Archives: New York Solar

Why doesn’t my solar power work if the utility goes down?


You might have noticed that the solar panels of your neighbors failed to produce solar power during blackouts. This happens because the system shuts down so that backfeeding is prevented. There’s a national law as per which solar systems have to be shut down during such times. This is to ensure that people deployed to fix the local power don’t get electrocuted.

You can prevent such situation by installing batteries for uninterrupted solar energy supply even during outages.  In the last few years, it has become economical to install battery systems to your solar panels.

The prices of these batteries vary by your power needs. Well, it is wise to go for a minimum-sized storage system, as the power outages are not frequent. You can at least use the essential appliance like A/C, phone charging system, laptop, etc. with even a basic battery backup.

If you are seeking trustworthy solar providers in New York, connect with us to discuss your requirements.


Adding Battery Backup to Your PV System with AC-Coupling


Several individuals from New York prefer photovoltaic (PV) system without batteries, as they are simpler, affordable, and more effective than the ones with batteries. But the situation completely changes when we there is an issue of the grid going down. In such cases, batteries appear as a savior. There are ways to connect your PV system with a battery backup: AC coupling and DC coupling.

It is advised to use AC coupling for this purpose. In this process, an additional battery is used with a grid-tied, battery backup (GTBB) inverter, which is responsible for charging the battery bank. For this approach, a subpanel is connected to a GTBB and is known as “critical loads panel.” Most of the crucial circuits are connected to this breaker box. You can connect with us to learn more about AC coupling for your solar PV system. We also offer affordable solar installation in New York.


How solar can help you survive a power outage



Various individuals who install a solar system for their house aren’t aware of the fact that this system stops working during the outage. It happens because the solar panels are connected to the grid. A special meter is installed to track the energy sent to the grid and received from it. In an event of a blackout, the grid-tied system shuts off automatically due to the safety regulations.

In such cases, you have only two options: either rely upon a backup generator or utilize backup batteries. Most of the users of solar system avoid the former option, as it requires a lot of fuel to operate and is never eco-friendly. The second option, on the other hand, is not only efficient and long lasting but also environment-friendly.

Keep reading our posts for more information on solar panels, batteries, and other aspects of this alternative energy.


Do homeowners with solar panels still have electricity when there is a power outage?


We are often asked this question by the clients who connect with us for the installation of the solar energy system. Well, the answer depends on the type of system you use.

If yours is a net metering system without any battery, then you will not enjoy electricity in case of a power outage. In a net metering system, the electricity produced by the solar panels flows into the grid. The production is examined and credited to the account of a homeowner. The homeowner receives energy from the grid during the night or when the weather is cloudy. No energy is stored on-site to be used during outages.

On the other hand, if the homeowner has installed a solar battery backup system, he/she need not worry about the blackout. He/she will enjoy power without any interruptions.

Keep checking this section for the updates on solar energy system. And, if you are searching solar provider in New York, we are here to assist you.


Monocrystalline solar panel vs. Polycrystalline solar panels

maximize-your-profits-1000x1000While purchasing the solar panel for commercial or domestic use, the consumers come across two major variants: monocrystalline and polycrystalline. It can be a bit confusing to choose among these options, especially when one is not an expert in solar energy.

To help make the right decision, we discuss the features of both these types of solar panels.

Monocrystalline solar panels

The most developed solar technology, the monocrystalline panel is designed using a single continuous structure of the crystal. Due to the use of highest-grade silicon, they higher efficiency rates, generally in the range of 15 to 20 percent. Other features include space efficiency and better performance even in the low-light conditions. Though, the price can be somewhat higher.

Polycrystalline solar panels

By melting various silicon fragments, the manufacturers form the wafers of polycrystalline solar panels. These panels are more economical than monocrystalline ones. Due to lower silicon purity, the efficiency is in the range of 13 to 15 percent. The consumers require a larger surface to receive the electrical power through these panels.

For more details on these solar panels or to get them for yourself, connect with the representatives of Promsun via:

Phone: 888-407-6929



Wind turbines vs. Solar panel: The better option?


While purchasing the solar panel for commercial or domestic use, the consumers come across two major variants: monocrystalline and polycrystalline. It can be a bit confusing to choose among these options, especially when one is not an expert in solar energy.

To help make the right decision, we discuss the features of both these types of solar panels.

Monocrystalline solar panels

The most developed solar technology, the monocrystalline panel is designed using a single continuous structure of the crystal. Due to the use of highest-grade silicon, they higher efficiency rates, generally in the range of 15 to 20 percent. Other features include space efficiency and better performance even in the low-light conditions. Though, the price can be somewhat higher.

Polycrystalline solar panels

By melting various silicon fragments, the manufacturers form the wafers of polycrystalline solar panels. These panels are more economical than monocrystalline ones. Due to lower silicon purity, the efficiency is in the range of 13 to 15 percent. The consumers require a larger surface to receive the electrical power through these panels.

For more details on these solar panels or to get them for yourself, connect with the representatives of Promsun via:

Phone: 888-407-6929



Why is a solar PV system the best technology of solar energy


You might have read the term ‘photovoltaic’ or PV while going through the brochure or website of solar systems. Through a phenomenon known as the photovoltaic effect, solar energy is converted into direct current. This happens when free electrons are produced in the crystal after a semiconductor absorbs light rays.

This type of system is economical and easier to maintain. The maintenance is negligible because there aren’t any mechanical moving parts present in the setup.

There is no need of supplemental cooling, something needed with another form of technology called concentrating solar power (CSP) system. Even in the regions with low sunlight conditions, the PV plants are quite effective (more than CSP).

The installation of these panels won’t interfere with the residential lifestyle whether you place it in on the ground or rooftop. It’s due to the benefits like that the solar PV system is ideal for both residential and commercial solar energy. Get more info on these systems by Promsun through


Phone: 888-407-6929


Solar product warranty and solar workmanship warranty: What’s the Deal?


While shopping for solar panels, the terms solar product warranty and workmanship warranty can sound a bit confusing. To help you get rid of the confusion, we have discussed the both of them below.

Solar Product Warranty

It is simply the warranty that comes with the electronic goods you get from the market. Unlike the warranties offered with TV sets or smartphone, the duration of photovoltaic (PV) solar panel warranty is 12-25 years, depending on the manufacturer you are purchasing it from. Though a superior quality lasts for around 35 years, the warranty is generally up to 25 years.

Solar workmanship warranty

This is a type of warranty you get in which the errors related to installation, assembly, and design are covered. The company assures that the system with operates without any error for a specific period of time. And in case there is a defect in this specified time, the technical team from the company won’t charge a single penny to fix it. With Promsun, you enjoy a warranty of 25 years.

Learn more about the features of panels offered by Promsun via:-

Phone:  (888) 407-6929



Solar Panel Technology: What’s the Latest Breakthrough?

solar-panel-technology-660x370Due to the growing demand and research-related possibilities of solar energy, several companies are investing heavily in research and development. Let’s see what’s new from the world of solar panel technology.

Solar Thermal Fuel (STF)

Keeping the issue of energy storage in mind, the researchers from MIT have been developing alternative storage solutions. The most popular and effective till now is solar thermal fuel, which works like a regular battery.

Use of magnesium chloride

By utilizing magnesium chloride, the manufacturers can enhance the efficiency and reduce the cost of the solar cells.

Floating solar

Various researchers from different countries are focused on developing floating solar systems to avoid land wastage. The countries that are already working on the technology include England, Japan, and France.

Solar water purifiers

As the name suggests, this device will be able to purify water after the exposure to sunlight. For this purpose, the US Department of Energy has collaborated with Stanford University.

If you are seeking solar panels in New York with the latest technology, connect with our team.


The Real Cost of Leasing vs. Buying Solar Panels

leasing-vs-buying-solar-panels-1920x1080Leasing is preferred by some New York individuals who are short on budget and lack knowledge related to solar panels. When it comes to comparing long-term benefits with cost, it is wise to purchase your own solar panels.

The savings are quite less in case of leasing when compared to buying a panel. The clauses like escalator clause further decrease savings by adding three percent annually to the payments. The companies, in order to showcase their product, install numerous panels and that too in places that are visible. This means you don’t have control of your own roof anymore.

Even the home buyers don’t prefer leases. They would happily choose home with solar energy without any lease over your property. Even if you plan to relocate the system with the help of your leasing system, you might end up paying around 1000 dollars. These factors clearly show buying your own panel should be your preferred option.

For buying commercial solar panels, connect with our team today.

